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Dumbledore Vacation Countdown
April 7, 2016
Author: Adelle Belnap

As of today the countdown to the official opening of The Wizarding World of Harry Potter on the west coast is over and the gates to Hogsmeade are open! Now, the countdown to your Universal Studios Hollywood vacation can begin! Get ready to immerse yourself in the land of magical enchantments, flying owls, castles, and spell binding adventures! Visiting this place is a must for any Harry Potter fan! And, really, who isn't a fan of the boy who lived and all of his magical friends?
One of the most loved characters from the Harry Potter series is the headmaster,  Professor Dumbledore. His words of wisdom, guidance, and unexpected wit created the heart of Hogwarts. He taught us, "It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live." So, with this post, I encourage everyone to live the adventures that await at the Wizarding World of Harry Potter! To countdown to the magical affair, give ole' Dumbldore's beard a nice trim. He needs to look sharp for the adventure. With each passing day the Headmaster's beard grows shorter and so does the wait for your vacation departure. 
To make your Dumbledore Vacation Countdown, download the free templates and print them onto paper. I printed the Dumbledore body onto cardstock and the beard onto regular printer paper.  

Cut around the edges of the beard.

Tape the beard onto the body. Connect it onto the face where it is marked and leave the bottom part of the beard loose.  

Each day, snip off a section of the beard with scissors. This template has 14 days of beard trimming fun.  So, you will want to start two weeks before you vacation is set to begin.


Let each member of your family take a turn cutting a piece of the beard off. Or, if you'd like, you can make a Dumbledore for each member of your family. When you trim off the last piece of beard, it reveals a secret message that reads, "Vacation Time!" Dumbledore looks mighty dapper for your Universal Studios Hollywood vacation... dapper enough to walk down the red carpet with the rest of Universal's stars you might even say!

I hope this cute little vacation countdown will make the days before your magical Harry Potter adventure even a little more special and fun. Dumbledore said, "It is our choices, Harry, that show what we truly are, more than our abilities." May your choices lead you to the Wizarding World of Harry Potter. We're certain that choice will allow you to make memories there with your family will be treasured forever!
The easiest choice of all is booking your vacation with Get Away Today! We are confident that Dumbledore would advise you to as well. You can hear more of his wise words as you wander the halls of Hogwarts before boarding Harry Potter and the Forbidden Journey. You can also buy some of his favourite lemon drops at Honeydukes in Hogsmeade. The Wizarding World of Harry Potter is filled with so many magical adventures, sweets and surprises. Universal Studios Hollywood makes an awesome day trip from your Disneyland vacation, or is a magical vacation on its own. Either way, you can book your Universal Studios Hollywood vacation online or call our travel experts at 855-GET-AWAY.

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This is so cute...Love your page! Ty for always sharing.

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