Have you ever noticed that the food in a gas station convenient store is exactly what you would expect - very convenient! It is not, however, very healthy. They are also extremely overpriced! When you are traveling with a family, doughnuts, candy and chips are not the kind of snacks you want to have on the road, at the beach or in your diaper bag at a theme park. A lot of theme parks now offer healthy food options, but they are sold at a premium. To keep your costs down, consider bringing some of your own food along to snack on during your day of fun!

There is a wide variety of healthy, simple, tasty and affordable snack food available at the local grocery store. This post features 12 Snack Foods for Travel that were purchased at Target. You can stock up before you go to make your road trip easier, or there is a Super Target located just a few blocks from Disneyland in California. One quick stop at the store can save your wallet and your waistline, and keep tummies full and happy during your next family outing.

1. These fantastic fruit pouch snacks are quickly growing in popularity. They started as baby food, but crossed over into the snack food genre because of their portability. Kids love sucking the applesauce out of the pouch. There is practically no mess involved. Other than whole fruits, the squeezable fruit is one of the best healthy snacks for on the go!

2. Sometimes a snack needs to be more than just a taste. For the times when you need to get full, bagels are a great option. Target sells fresh delicious bagels from Einsteins. They are only a dollar a piece and are incredibly filling and satisfying. Pair them with some cream cheese and a bit of sandwich meat, and it becomes a meal.

3. Cuties are tiny oranges called clementines. They are the perfect size for snacking, easy to peel, and loaded with vitamins. They travel well and taste sweet. Fruit is nature's dessert. Skip the candy and serve these adorable cuties instead.

4. Kids love to dip their food. I have found that my kids are more apt to eat a carrot or a cucumber if they can dip it in a bit of dressing. Serve some peanut butter or yogurt with apples, and they are gone in an instant. These fun single serving Dipperz snacks are perfect for little kids who like to dip and for parents who like to see their kids eating fruits and vegetables. They are only about a dollar a serving.

5. Have you ever noticed that traveling can take a toll on the digestive system? Keep things moving right along with these tasty Fiber One granola bars. They taste like a candy bar but have the added value of fiber! Just don't eat too many.

6. For those times when something sweet is desired, these fruit leather wraps are a good option. They don't have the added sugar or dyes that regular fruit snacks have. It is simply fruit.

7. Greek yogurt is all over the place right now in the health food arena. It's low in calories and packed with calcium and live bacterial cultures. Compared to regular yogurt, is has less sugar and more protein. These portable tubes can be frozen and packed as a portable snack.

8. Peanut butter is also a great source of protein. These portable peanut butter dippers combine well with apples, crackers, bananas, or bread. They are tasty and filling.

9. Popcorn has always been a crowd-pleaser. It is inexpensive and can be healthy because it is a whole grain. Choose a brand that is low on butter. Most hotel rooms have a microwave available for popping. You can pop a bag and take it on the road.

10. These portable smoothie drinks are a semi-healthy option for kids. They have protein and pro-biotic cultures that are good for little tummies, but they are also loaded with sugar. Kids love them. Just limit the amount they drink and call it a win-win!

11. Trail mix is a great option for traveling. The nuts and dried fruit are healthy. The candy and chocolate chips are not as good for you, but certainly make mouths happy!

12. Tuna fish is loaded with good stuff for your body. It has healthy fat that your body needs. These fun tuna fish pouches are such a great way to add variety and nutrients into travel snacking. Simply spread a little on a cracker and enjoy!
Bon Appetite! I hope this list helps make your travel snacking more interesting, healthy, and affordable. One other thing I love about these foods is that most don't need to be refrigerated and fit easily in your hotel room, whether you have a kitchen or not! We'd love to help you plan your next vacation with any of our discount Disneyland packages. Book online or call our Reservation Specialists at 855-GET-AWAY.

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