Supplies to Make Your Own Minnie Clips
Black Feather Fluff Trim Red Sparkle Bows 2 Metal Barrettes Hot Glue Craft Wire Wire Cutters Round Template (We used a mousse bottle)
Instructions to Make Your Own Minnie Clips
To start, gather all your supplies together. We made these ears to be a good size for an elementary age child. You can adjust the size to fit the way you’d like. If you are making them for an adult, you’ll want to make them a little bigger.
Wrap a section of craft wire around whatever item/bottle you picked for your size. A mousse bottle was perfect for us!

Put a dot of hot glue on one the end of the trim. Let it cool for a few moments so you don't burn your fingers. Then, secure the end of the feather trim to the wire. We put it on the spot where the ends of the wire were twisted together to hide it. Hold it in place until the glue cools and gets hard.
Then, wrap the trim all the way around the wire. Pull it so the trim is snug, but not too tight.

Repeat the process to make your second fluffy Minnie Mouse ear and you are all set. Don't they look cute? We wrapped a brain around our ears to tie it all together.

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