If you are looking for a Halloween costume, or just a fun dress-up skirt for Tinkerbell, you have come to the right place! This easy DIY skirt is perfect for Halloween, the Oogie Boogie Bash at Disneyland, or for a little extra magic at home!
We want to share the pattern and tutorial for making a DIY Tinkerbell costume for adults. Who doesn’t love Tinkerbell! She is independent, resourceful and just a bit of a rebel. She is also completely loyal to her friends.
Even a beginner can make this DIY Tinkerbell costume for less than the cost of a costume at the store. All you need is faith, trust, and a little bit of pixie dust! And...the following DIY Tinkerbell costume tutorial of course. Are you ready to fly?

DIY Tinkerbell Costume for Adults Supplies Needed
You will need:
- 24 inches of plain green fabric
- 1 1/4 yard of contrasting green fabric
- 1 yard of green tulle
- Green Thread
- Sewing Supplies
- DIY Tinkerbell Costume Large Leaf Pattern 1
- DIY Tinkerbell Costume Large Leaf Pattern 2
- DIY Tinkerbell Costume Small Leaf Pattern 1
- DIY Tinkerbell Costume Small Leaf Pattern 2
DIY Tinkerbell Costume for Adults Instructions
To start, print the DIY Tinkerbell costume patterns. Keep the fabric folded like it comes off of the bolt. Lay the small leaf pattern onto the plain green fabric.
Cut it out. You will get two leaves with each cut because the fabric is folded. Keep both pieces together. Repeat until you have six small leaf cuts. Repeat this process with the large leaf pattern on the contrasting green fabric. I used one with sparkles so that it looked like pixie dust! You will need five large leaf cuts.

Make sure the "right side" of the fabric is facing in and the outside of the fabric is showing. Pin the fabric to keep the two pieces together. Sew around the edges of each leaf. Leave the top open for turning.

Turn the leaves right side out and then iron them flat. Make sure to get the shape right by pressing all of the sides out completely before you iron it. Be aware of the type of fabric you use to make sure you don’t burn it with too hot of an iron.
Once all of the leaves are pressed, then you can start to connect them together. Start with a short leaf. Lay it flat on the table. Then place a long leaf on the top of it. The long leaves will have a small pleat in them. When you pin it in place, make a fold in the center and then pin it in place. The skirt alternates between a small leaf on the bottom and then a long leaf on top. The small leaves are about 3 inches apart.

You can see the pleat here.

Once you have a whole row of leaves all pinned together, sew them in place. It is an apron style skirt, so the ties in the back make it easy to adjust the width. We used a straight stitch about 1/2 inch down from the top. Set this bit aside.

Fold the tulle in half. Sew along the top edge with a gathering stitch. Or, sew two straight lines across and gather it yourself by pulling the fabric along the bobbin thread.

Then, cut the waistband and sashes. We used the contrasting fabric for this part. Cut three strips that are five inches thick.

Two of the strips are the sashes. The third strip is the waistband.
Make the sashes by folding the strip in half to make a long skinny tube. Make sure the "right side" of the fabric is on the inside. Sew along the long open edge. Then, turn it right side out. Repeat on the second sash. Then, iron them flat.
Here is a picture of one sash piece sewn and the second sash piece that has been sewn and turned. They haven't been ironed yet.

Make the ends of the sashes pretty by folding one end of the long strip over about 1/4 inch. Then fold the end into a triangle and then fold the triangle over again. It will hide the unfinished edge and make a nice point.

Sew along the triangle as demonstrated in the photo above...across the sash and down towards the point. Set them aside for a bit.
You now have all of the individual pieces cut and ready to be put together. Lay the waistband strip face UP on the table. Place the gathered end of the tulle skirt along the top edge of the waistband strip. Leave about one inch of space on the waistband strip before you start the tulle layer.

Then, add the leaf skirt to the top of the tulle. You want it face up as well. So, the long leaf pieces are on top of the small ones.

Pin the pieces in place along the entire line of the waistband, tulle and leaf skirt. Then cut the excess waistband fabric off. Leave about one inch on the end of the waistband strip for when we attach the sashes in a minute. Your DIY Tinkerbell costume is almost complete!

Sew the three layers together with a straight stitch about 1/2 inch from the top edge. You can add an extra zig zag stitch across the top edge to help prevent fraying.

Fold the waistband strip up away from the other two layers.

Next, fold the waistband strip in half forward, two times, to make a nice finished belt. Pin it in place along the entire skirt top.
Tuck the edges of the waistband in towards the center of the skirt. Then stuff the unfinished edge of the sashes into the hole. One sash strip should be on each side of the skirt. Pin them in place. You can see it in the photo below.

Sew across each sash insert and then across the skirt waist to keep the waistband in place. And you are done with your DIY Tinkerbell costume for adults!

Book Your Disneyland Vacation Today
There's no better place to wear your DIY Tinkerbell costume than Disneyland! Tinkerbell says, "If you can dream it, you can do it." If you haven't booked your vacation to Disneyland yet, there's still time. You can find any of our Disneyland packages online, or call our agents at 855-GET-AWAY.
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